Friday, April 15, 2011

Taking responsibility for my own freedom

Last night we saw the A.C.T. presentation of No Exit written by Jean-Paul Sartre. The take away line of the evening: "People are hell!". It was a wonderful play with live-video feed from inside the Hotel room: hell for three people thrust together in the afterlife to torture each other with their thoughts, insecurities and conversations.

My favorite line from the Sartre bio I read in the program:

"You are free, therefore choose, that is to say, invent."

The theater encouraged the audience to pass by the room after the performance. I had even more respect for the actors after seeing the complicated array of cameras they had to choreograph and cue.

In honor of my own freedom... and life I've invented, I offer this image:

In Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, with my parasol I picked up in Beijing

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