Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Less crazy about my toothpaste

I'm on the couch, where I've been most of the day, fighting off a dreaded cold. UGH! With the TV in the background as I've napped off and on, I awoke to a most disturbing program: Extreme Couponing! I can't believe it's even a subject for a show! This woman is nuts. She has 40 years of toilet paper in her "stockroom", along with $35,000 worth of other soaps, shampoos and all kinds of cleaning and household supplies. Her poor husband has been sucked into the insanity, too. Which in a pathetic way is kind-of sweet that he goes along on her shopping trips... filling 9 entire grocery carts with her 1000 coupons worth of products. SICK! And the poor guy has given up his mancave to her 269 boxes of pasta.

It really makes me look much less crazy with my obsession to buy our favorite brand of toothpaste when it's on sale. Arm & Hammer baking soda toothpaste is expensive, sometimes a tube is almost $6, so I always buy it on sale. And when I find it on sale, I typically buy 6 or more tubes at once, for about $2-3 each. P and I joke that it's like my grandmother buying and stocking up on her soaps and shampoos when they were on sale.

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