Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beer vessel snobbery

Mama's Little Yella Pils in a can

Well, my beer vessel snobbery has been put in it's place. On Tuesday night, I asked the bartender for a light lager-type beer (I confess, I generally go for a Stella), and he tells me they've got a nice Yella Pilsner, and I say, "Great!"

I then proceed to cringe as he sets down the glass and CAN in front of me... and I think, Really? A can? Shouldn't he have warned me?

But I must say... it was truly delicious. I guess it's the same feeling as getting over screw-top wine. It's not about the vessel. It's about the liquid inside. Lesson: You cannot judge a beverage by its container.

(And here's a shout out to the little Oskar I happen to know... such a great name!)

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