Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Life is so good, I don't have time to blog about it...

My life feels like the opposite of that cheesy Footprints poem, about god carrying you at the most difficult times of your life. For me, it's more that life has been so busy and exciting lately, I haven't the time to blog about it. Which in the big picture, is a good thing. (Or perhaps a justification, but I'll take a good life, either way).

Paul's event on April 29th was AMAZING! Wonderful, adoring fans, loads of friends we haven't seen in awhile, lots of book and art sales, and not a wrinkle or hiccup in any aspect of the plan or execution. The folks we hired to sell books & art, and pour the wine were professional and delightful, P's mom was a HUGE help, and overall the night was an even larger success than we could have possibly even imagined! And yet, no blog post about it. Until days later. Ahwell...

Last night P put up the most challenging performance of his career at the Monthly Rumpus, and killed it! Afterwards, we enjoyed roasted cauliflower, potato & gorgonzola hash, and prosciutto pizza, with a glass of Pinot at Baretta, followed by chocolate & amaretto gelato with a glass of 10-year Tawny port. We walked home around midnight... relaxed and happy after a job well done. Not to mention his radio appearance on KPFA's Cover to Cover yesterday afternoon.

AND... my having a wonderful walk & talk with the lovely and insightful Chez D yesterday morning, all along the top of the city, from Ft. Mason to the Warming Hut and back. Almost 4.5 miles on a beautifully warm and cloudless morning - an excellent way to start a day, and a week!

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