Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One month anniversary of my 41st birthday

January 1, 2012 at Rookees Sport's Bar, Ventura, CA

I think my father-in-law kinda likes that he got a "guy's girl" for a daughter-in-law. My request for my birthday? To watch the 49ers game. But, the local Fox affiliate wasn't playing the 49ers game, so we had to find a bar - and fast! - to catch the game. And lucky us... the Steelers game followed the 49er game, we could watch it from our same seats at the sport's bar! I had a bloody mary, then a whisky and coke, followed by a beer. Not bad for a 5-hour hall at the bar, watching football!

Hard to believe it's already been a month. But in some ways, I've done tons, too, in a month's time. A visit to North Carolina, then DC... and a week's visit from the Dupuis here for Chinese New Year.

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