Monday, August 8, 2011

Daily is difficult for me...

I don't know why it's so hard for me to blog ONCE a day, every day. I think it was my problem with 100 words. FInding - and making - the time every day for something I want to do.

Anywho... in keeping with the stroll down memory lane, here's another pic of us from the way-back machine.

Land's End, SF, 2003 (?)

Friday, August 5, 2011

City Hall, AUgust 21, 2001

I posted this pic from our marriage day (hard to call it a wedding, really) on FB, and within about 15 hours, I've gotten 26 "likes" and 21 comments.

People are suckers for love. ;) As am I.

And I sure love this man!

My one in 6 billion...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And another...

Rome 2008

10 years has really flown by... in the most amazing and fulfilling way possible. We've done a LOT in 10 years, and I oh so look forward to the next 40 years!

More from memory lane

Amsterdam 2005

From Amsterdam, the summer we were there for me to do research on pot clubs...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Memory lane

Tokyo 2002

Lots of strolling down it, while leading up to our TEN YEAR anniversary!

Just went through old pics, from when we first met through now...


This is a sweet one, from us in Tokyo, upon our return the second time for K&K's wedding... 2002.

Monday, August 1, 2011


1. inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity or grandeur; majestic: an august performance of a religious drama.
2. venerable; eminent: an august personage.

And a nice graffiti art mural to go along with it...

"wish you were here"